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Is Healthy 4 Life a good option for me?

If you're over 18, let's find out.

We use BMI to baseline health and risk. BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It's a medical standard for establishing a common baseline for health and risk in adults. We don't collect, save, or share any of this information. This calculator is just for you!

Select your current height

Select your current weight (lbs)

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your bmi


BMI Ranges
Medical category


Your BMI suggests that you are underweight.  You may enjoy better health by reaching andmaintaining a healthy weight.  Considertalking to your doctor or nutritionist about things you can do to maintain ahealthy weight.

Medical category

Healthy weight

A BMI in this range suggests that you have a healthy weight.  Keep doing what you are doing and be mindful of building and maintaining healthy habits. Lower weight gain in adulthood is associated with lower risk of diabetes, heart disease and various cancers. Note, a BMI below 18.5 suggests that you are underweight. Consider talking to your doctor or nutritionist about things you can do to maintain a healthy weight.

Medical category


One in three adults in the US is overweight. This puts you at risk for developing metabolic syndrome, which increases your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Losing 5% of your weight can have a positive impact. Let’s work together to turn this around and begin your journey to better health.

Medical category

Class 1 Obesity

Your BMI suggests you have the early stage of obesity. 42.4% of Americans have a BMI over 30. Losing 5 to 10% of your weight will substantially reduce your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke and many types of cancer. Let’s work together to turn this around and begin your journey to better health.

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Medical category

Class 2 Obesity

Two in five Americans are struggling with obesity. Losing 5% of your weight will reduce your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Losing 10% of your weight will reduce your blood pressure and improve diabetes if you already have it. Losing 15% of weight begins to reverse fatty liver disease and sleep apnea. Let’s work together to turn this around and begin your journey to better health.

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Medical category

Class 3 Obesity

This stage of obesity is often referred to as severe obesity. One in 11 Americans has severe obesity. Losing 10 to 15% of your weight will reduce your risk for the serious complications of obesity, including heart disease and stroke. Studies suggest that reducing your BMI by 20% will cut your risk for many cancers in half. Let’s work together to turn this around and begin your journey to better health.

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Select a BMI range

Select a BMI range or move the sliders to see details.

Different BMI cut-off points may be more appropriate based on additional factors like gender, race, ethnicity, and menopausal status.
Source: Kushner, RF, Bessesen, DH, Gildern, AH, Primary Care: Evaluation and Management of Obesity, 2022.

1755 Park Street, Suite 300
Naperville, IL 60563
Office HOURS
9AM - 6PM, Mon to Thurs
9AM - 1PM, Fridays
(630) 983 8920
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